Friday, November 26, 2010

Dog Training Secrets And Why You Need To Learn Them

by Jenny Ortiz

Chances are that you have seen or heard about someones pet that has attacked or mangled someone in the media. Most people are quick to blame the behavior on the dog. This is so far from the truth that it borders on the ridiculous. It is not the fault of the dog it is the lack of training that the dog has received. It is an extremely unfortunate situation, because the truth is the the entire situation could have been avoided if the owner of the pet understood a few simple dog training secrets.

Once you have completed reading every word of this article you will know how to apply a few simple dog training secrets that could possible save lives. Many pet owners come to learn the importance of dog training, however the cost may be a little outside their budget. If you are a pet owner and find yourself in this situation, please understand that you do have other options such as online dog training for example.

Many people are simply overwhelmed at the thought of taking on such a task. They are confused at where to start, or they may have tried it and did not get the results that they expected. Professional dog trainers have stated that it is important that pet owners start with the basics, and do their best to create a solid foundation initially.

Another common mistake made by pet owners is that everyone in the family attempts to train the dog. This does nothing but causes confusion for your pet. You should designate one individual to do the training, this will help to establish who is the alpha between you and your dog. It is also recommended that you hold your dog training sessions on a consistent basis.

It is important for you to remember to keep each training session entertaining for both you and your pet. You do not want your pet to view this time together as s punishment, but a time of enjoyment. At first you will want to keep each session short, because dogs tend to have a short attention span. As your pet begins to catch on you can extend the time of your sessions. You will always want to start off with the basics when training your pet such as, heel, down, stay etc. It is recommended that you use one word commands before moving on to more complicated commands. You must understand that some breeds naturally learn faster than others and you will need to be patient with your little student.

In this article you have discovered that you should choose one individual to be responsible for the training of the dog. You need to make your sessions short and fun for both you and your pet. You have also learned that not all breed of dogs are created equally when it comes to how fast they master the commands that you will be teaching them.

Visit the site that the professional trainers learn their dog training secrets from. Countless hours have gone into creating this site and to provide dog training secrets to people just like you.